Which single achievement in Epidemiology is of particular interest to you? | ASSIGNMENT HELP

Which single achievement in Epidemiology is of particular interest to you? (Some examples include Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, and Cholera).

Read the module Home page and required readings. Read through this assignment, including the instructions, and the Assignment Expectations.

Please write an essay in which you first clearly identify a single major achievement in Epidemiology (e.g., Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, Cholera). Then briefly describe one important tool that is used to measure its occurrence in a population. Briefly identify one source of public health data on that issue. Finally, incorporating the concepts of risk and rates, briefly discuss at least one major factor that influenced its occurrence.


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You can submit your paper in Question and Answer format. In other words, list the questions and provide a short answer to each.

Which single achievement in Epidemiology is of particular interest to you? (Some examples include Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, and Cholera). Please write 2–3 sentences maximum.
Briefly describe that achievement in Epidemiology (1–2 paragraphs). In what era did this achievement occur? Be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.
Briefly describe one important tool that can be used to measure its occurrence in a population. Examples of Tools include surveys, surveillance, and biological monitoring. Please write 2–3 paragraphs about this, and be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.
Please identify one specific source of public health data on that issue and write one paragraph about it. Provide a description of the source and a link (i.e., hyperlink or URL) directly to the data source.
Incorporating what you learned in this module about risk and rates, what would you say was one major factor that influenced the achievement of this occurrence? Please write 2–3 paragraphs and be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.

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