ASSIGNMENT HELP | After examining the article, summarize the overall concepts within the article.

Unit 5 Article Review

· Instructions

Applying the CSU online library, locate an article that discusses project management today. This could include conflict resolution and negotiation skills, project budgeting, risk planning, project scheduling and resource management, or the monitoring/control of projects. Think about these ideas and questions when compiling your article analysis.

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  1. After examining the article, summarize the overall concepts within the article.
  2. Discuss the author’s perspective with respect to project management.
  3. After reading this article, along with knowledge gained in this course, what is your opinion of the role of project management within an organization, and ultimately, of the project manager as it relates to completion of the project?

Your response should be a minimum of two pages, double-spaced. References should include minimally the article reference from the CSU online library (required), plus one additional credible reference. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations, and cited per APA guidelines.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.

. Citation Guide

. CSU Online Library Research Guide

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